Will be following a modified program for base training this winter before going full bore with "The Program" in the spring.

Here's hoping all enjoy health and goodness in 08.
Something to keep you busy through the dark, dreary winter months. My thinking: lure Zank over with a case of Belgian brew, fire up the tools, build a few of these hot rockets for next cross season.
Why? Phone reception is still average at best. Got two new boxes plastered to the side of our house. Only difference I notice is that now I've got a new, annoying "Verizon Broadband" toolbar across the top of my screen. Wife says this whole new thing is going to be cheaper. OK, that counts.
Why am I drinking decaf this morning? This really sucks. I found about 5 caf beans in a jar and threw them in the grinder with the other crap. What a waste.
Finally, either of you two pathetic souls who read this blog on a monthly basis get Velonews? Well as I understand it there is something I wrote on the back page. That's what people tell me anyway. See, in a cruel twist of irony I--for the first time ever in my long-standing subscription--did not receive my issue with my essay in it. Yes I know what the words are that I put down on the page, but I have just the mildest curiosity to see how the artist saw fit to depict me in the clever caricature they always add to the piece. They didn't ask for a picture. Am I as ugly there as in real life? Perhaps they gave me dashing leading-man good looks? I don't know.
Any y'all have a copy you're gonna throw away (check through that pile of reading next to the throne)? Help a brother out, man. Might make a nice Xmas gift if you're still wondering what to get me.
A few pics of the slushy goodness outside today. Notice the shoveling handiwork by yours truly. The technique employed here pretty much reflects my effort in life: do as little as possible to get by. Looking ahead at the weather for the week it seems we're going to have temps creeping up into the 30's during the day before dipping down into the 20's at night. That should be good for an extended bout of ice on the walkways and roads. Helloooooooo rollers.
So the early reports trickling into the East Coast seem to suggest the USGP in Portland is busting out all across the muck in a big way. Big storm, riders getting trashed all over the course, colossal efforts on day 1 by TJ and Gould (and I'm sure many others of lesser notoriety). Guess they got a party going on.
So will the kids happily occupied with various activities at the moment I'm dreaming poetic about Portland. The Portland environs have always seemed to me to be a pleasant and well-managed place to settle one's stuff. I can count on two fingers the number of times I've been to Portland, yet it's always stuck in my mind based on things I've read over the years as a place that's doing a lot of good things with urban planning and lifestyle opportunities for its citizens.
Now, I know that from a distance one can easily paint a romantic picture of a place. Things ain't always as they seems once you get down into the mire. This article, for example, suggests that perhaps Portland ain't all it's cracked up to be. Still those Portlandites got some cool things going on in and around the city:
and of course
Chris King and Vanilla and Showers Pass (for those occasional rainy days) and the Worst Day of the Year Ride.
As a West Coast guy at heart I'm thinking up places to settle my bones in later years. Not sure I want to be cold and wet, though.
Back here on Long Island the snow seems to have stopped outside. Leaves are still piled high all over the yard. I'm about finished with my coffee. I'm thinking it's a good time to fill a thermos with hot chocolate and go for a hike through the woods with the kids.